
Thursday, November 15, 2012


Looks like things are moving along as planned for this week.  The waterproofing is finished and it looks like plumbing will begin soon.  :)  Hopefully we'll get an estimate on when framing will begin when we hear from the PM tomorrow.

Pics of progress today...

Morning room bumpout

Below the front door

Porch on the right

Garage on the left

I see pipes!


  1. Your pictures are lovely! They are making your waterproofing look exciting! I would definitely consider framing one for your building memories. I really like the "garage on the left" photo. It is showing three different contrast of color.

  2. When you can't get to the construction site until late, it pays to have a camera with a hot shoe flash that is brighter than the sun. It was pitch black out there. It is amazing what we will do to "see" what is going on.
